Delicious is a free website that allows people to socially bookmark their favorite websites. This means that I can bookmark science and social studies websites and have them automatically organized for me by genre. Awesome! It get's even better though; because Delicious is a social bookmark website, I can view other people's bookmarks and they can view mine! Setting it up is easy, just click on the Delicious link above, create a username and password (write it down) and follow the steps. If additional help is needed, watch the Youtube video below and follow the simple instructions. 

So far, my tags include Youtube, Eureeka Agora, Free Graphic Organizers, Netflix, and more. Get Bookmarking!!!

tag=a term used as a category or index for your site, such as "delicious" and "technology."
Bookmark=a saved website address that allows quick and easy access
Social Bookmarking=websites, such as Delicious, that allow you to look at other peoples' bookmarks. 
